
Extra-Curricular Clubs

There are many reasons to encourage pupils to engage in extra-curricular clubs and activities. Whether the club involves a chance for further exercise, developing a passion in drama or dance or just learning something new, clubs give our pupils wider opportunities to work with a range of different people, develop their social skills and have fun. We encourage all our pupils to take part in extra-curricular activities where possible.

Throughout the year a range of clubs are offered


Street Dance (Years 3 to 6)

Debate Mate (Years 5 & 6)

Volleyball (Year 5/6)



Stage by Stage (Years 3 to 6)

Forest School (Years 2 to 6)

Eco Club (Years 1 to 6)

Volleyball (Years 1)

Kids Yoga (Years 1/2) 



Aston Villa – Outside Provision (KS1 / KS2)

Spanish Club – Outside Provision (Whole School)

Volleyball (Year 4)



Dance Club (Years 2 to 6)

Volleyball  (Year 3)



Football (Year 3 to 6)

Volleyball (Year 2)

Most clubs are offered free to parents, however, external clubs Aston Villa Football & Spanish Club are paid for provisions . Every child is guaranteed a free sports club for at least one term during the year.