School Day
The school gates open at 8:45am every morning for children to arrive and be in class ready to learn for 8:55am when the registers are taken.
At the end of the day Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will finish at 3:20pm. Children should be collected from their classrooms through the green gates leading onto the playground.
Years 3,4,5 and 6 will finish school at 3:25pm. Years 3 and 4 will be dismissed from the Afterschool club door and Years 5 and 6 will be dismissed from the front of the school.
All children must be in school between 8:55am (official registration time) to 3:20pm (EYFS and KS1) 3:25pm (KS2) the official end of the day. All pupils will have a 15 minute playtime in the morning and 1 hours lunch every day.
Extra curricular after school clubs and activities
There are many reasons to encourage pupils to engage in extra-curricular clubs and activities. Whether the club involves a chance for further exercise, developing a passion in drama or dance or just learning something new, clubs give our pupils wider opportunities to work with a range of different people, develop their social skills and have fun. We encourage all our pupils to take part in extra-curricular activities where possible.
Throughout the year a range of clubs are offered.
Mondays 3:30pm-4:30pm
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the main office door
Art and crafts
Mondays 3:30pm-4:30pm
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the EYFS door
Stage by Stage
Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Your child can bring a named water bottle and a healthy snack into school with them in the morning. Drinks and snacks cannot be brought to the office during the day as we will not be able to deliver them.
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the breakfast/afterschool club door
Drawing and painting
Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Your child can bring a named water bottle and a healthy snack into school with them in the morning. Drinks and snacks cannot be brought to the office during the day as we will not be able to deliver them.
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the main office door
Social Skills
Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Your child can bring a named water bottle and a healthy snack into school with them in the morning. Drinks and snacks cannot be brought to the office during the day as we will not be able to deliver them.
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the EYFS door
Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Children should bring their PE kit into school with them to get changed into at the end of the (unless your child has PE that day). Your child can bring a named water bottle and a healthy snack into school with them in the morning. Drinks and snacks cannot be brought to the office during the day as we will not be able to deliver them.
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the EYFS club doors
Debate Mate
Thursday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Your child can bring a named water bottle and a healthy snack into school with them in the morning. Drinks and snacks cannot be brought to the office during the day as we will not be able to deliver them.
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the main office
Girls and Boys Football
Thursday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Your child can bring a named water bottle and a healthy snack into school with them in the morning. Drinks and snacks cannot be brought to the office during the day as we will not be able to deliver them.
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the main office
Street dance
Thursday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Your child can bring a named water bottle and a healthy snack into school with them in the morning. Drinks and snacks cannot be brought to the office during the day as we will not be able to deliver them.
Please collect your child at 4:30pm prompt from the main office
Breakfast & After-School Clubs
Through our Breakfast and After-School Clubs we aim to provide:
- a welcoming place at the start and end of the school day where all children feel happy, safe and valued
- affordable, consistent childcare for working parents
For full information click the click the link below
We expect all of our pupils to complete appropriate activities in order to consolidate their learning at school and so that they can take their individual interests further. We ask parents to ensure that homework is completed.
School Uniform
It is the expectation of the school that all pupils wear school uniform. This helps to promote a positive identity, supports discipline, set standards and prevents pupils from wearing unsafe or unsuitable ‘fashion clothes’ which are often costlier.

School Meals
Children have the option of a hot or cold meal from school or they can bring a packed lunch from home.
We are a nut free school so please remember when sending snacks and packed lunches into school they cannot include any items containing nuts.
Parent Forum
Our Parent Forum enables parents and carers to give their opinions and feedback on the issues relating to school (and education in general) that concern or affect them. It is a positive space for discussion feeds into our plans for school improvement. Meetings are held termly and agenda points are sent via the school office at least a week in advance. All parents and carers are welcome to attend.
Our Terms of Reference outline how our forum works. We ask all parents to read these before attending.