From Mrs Sutton
Good morning everyone,
we hope that you are all well and adapting to your home learning for the time being.
Today’s lessons are Reading Comprehension, Spellings, Handwriting and Mathematics.
We have sent you a separate message informing you whether you are working from Pack 1 or Pack 2.
Pack 1
Please complete:
1. Reading Comprehension ‘Poems about the Weather’
Please complete the attached comprehension questions.
2. Set 1 Look, cover, write, check
3. Handwriting ‘Ch, Th’
4. Mathematics: 4 Digit numbers, Round to the nearest 10, Arithmetic Practice 4-20.
Pack 2
Please complete:
1. Reading Comprehension ‘The Knitted Giant’
Please complete the questions at the end of the book in your packs.
2. Set 1 Look, cover, write, check
3. U Giraffe
4. Mathematics Compare numbers 0 -100, Odd and even numbers.
We are here if you have any questions so please send a message if you need any help.
We will post the answers for today’s learning tomorrow morning.
Take care,
Mrs Sutton