Below are a series of links to websites with additional learning resources your child will find useful.
Reading and Phonics

Oxford Owl for School and Home
Enter the login details given to you by your teacher. Problems logging in? Teachers – this is the class login box. To log in with your own details please Log in here.

PhonicsPlay – Phonics games, planning, assessments and printables
A site packed with interactive phonics games, phonics planning, assessment ideas and many teaching ideas and resources to help children to learn to hear phonemes, recognise graphemes and develop the blending and segmenting skills that are vital for learning to read and spell

Spellingframe – games to improve spelling
Choose a spelling rule then choose to either practise the spelling or take a test with those words. All words are read aloud (make sure your sound is turned up) and provided within a sentence for context.
English as an additional language

Learn English with Little Bridge – Little Bridge
Welcome to Little Bridge where children around the globe are inspired to learn English successfully and communicate safely with other young learners.

Times Table Rock Stars
In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.


Topmarks Education: teaching resources, interactive resources, worksheets, homework, exam and revision help
Searchable site of thousands of quality teaching resources, interactive resources, homework, exam and revision help. Useful for teachers, pupils and parents.