At Northfield Manor Academy, we aim to deliver a high-quality computing education which enables pupils to be fluent, responsible and confident users of information and communication technology.
Our computing curriculum is taught through the Twinkl scheme of work which builds skills progressively from Year 1 to Year 6. It is designed to ensure a broad coverage of the computing curriculum, starting with basic skills including coding, word processing and media use, and progressing to more sophisticated skills such as design and website creation. The Twinkl scheme provides children with high-quality resources and lessons to cater for all computing abilities.
MPThese engaging, carefully curated lessons help support our pupils to make excellent progress in the following computing skills:
- online safety
- coding
- computers and hardware
- computational thinking
- cross-curricular links
- digital literacy.
E-safety underpins all of this, so our children can safely use technology at school and at home. (Read ‘Online Safety’ below for more details regarding internet safety.)
Each classroom contains a networked PC and a teacher’s laptop and Ipad which can be linked to the interactive whiteboard. There are also a selection of Ipads, laptops and netbooks available with each class assigned a designated time to use them. Every computer in the school is linked to the school’s filtered broadband connection. Therefore, each child will be able to access the Internet and use the World Wide Web in a safe and respectful way.
We believe that it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability that they need in this subject to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world.
Online Safety
Through our computing curriculum we aim to ensure that pupils become digitally literate so that they can use technology safely and respectfully. This includes keeping personal information private and knowing where to go for help and support when they have concerns about inappropriate content or contact through the internet. Throughout the year, we focus very explicitly on Online Safety. Children will understand how to keep safe when using the internet and what they must do if they see material they know is inappropriate or that they are uncomfortable with. In addition, children receive regular updates and reminders throughout the year through class assemblies and PSHE lessons. We also take part in the national Safer Internet Day each February.
Useful Computing Websites
Online Safety
Through our computing curriculum we aim to ensure that pupils become digitally literate so that they can use technology safely and respectfully. This includes keeping personal information private and knowing where to go for help and support when they have concerns about inappropriate content or contact through the internet.
During the autumn term we focus very explicitly on Online Safety, and this covers how to keep safe when using the internet and what a pupil must do if they see material they know is inappropriate or that they are uncomfortable with. In addition, children receive regular updates and reminders throughout the year and wealso take part in the national Safer Internet Day each February.
All pupils must sign our On-line Code of Conduct before using the internet in school.
Please see our section on On-line safety under our Parents section for more information.